
3D Character Modelling Already Done!

So, I have finally done textured my model and have full image of her. I satisfied with my model textured and it come out as a good result for me. I also had done a composite image for my character in the middle of forest and I'm quite happy for the result. ...

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Character Joint and Hypershade

I had finished modelling my character and also done on putting all the joint inside this character. Then, I try to use hyper shade to make this character in colour mode. I'm good to go to the next level on texturing and UV mapping but I'm not quite confident to do the rigging because I'm still learning and I will take a long...

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At the end of this week, I will conclude my storyboard with this animatic for my character little tiger. I make all the composition and add with some music. The time for each frames are between 2-6 seconds. ...


Character Modelling

So from Friday until Saturday, I try to finish my character modelling before do some rigging. I start to make the braid of her hair and correct her face topo. Then, I combine the hoodie with her body to make it as one clothes. I also combine all her costume ear, and here is the result that I pretty much satisfied. At the...

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Character and Characteristics: How The Movement Of A Character's, Personality And Physical Presence Emotionally Affect An Audience.

Abstract Shadow puppet or shadow theatre had been produced in multiple languages in different countries for over a hundred years. Shadow puppetry can be made to be more memorable through the representation of their personality and how they are identified through body gesture and movement. When we are playing with light in the dark sometime it can causes something strange and unique. (Schonewolf,...

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Maya Character Rigging

Friday, Monday and Tuesday, we had continue rigging class with Sean to complete all this step. I've never had done any rigging before but I think to put the joint to every part of the body is not quite difficult. It become more harder when it is the time to put the controller setup to this joint. Here we are separate our Controller...

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On Going Process 3D Modelling

Today, I continue on modelling my character. I start to model her hand and nail. Luckily before this, I have model a hand on Sean class. Then, I model my character head using a plane. I just need to model for one side and duplicate the head after finish. The head topo is not good and I need to amend again her face....

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Poster Research

I already finish design my A1 Research Poster for next week final assessment and ready to print. Here I put my research poster about how the movement of characters, personality and physical presence emotionally affect an audience. ...

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3D Character Modelling

So today after I try to finish up my poster research, I had modelling the tail and also shoes for this character. I also make an amendment to this character body because I forgot to add some detail on the sleeves and bottom of her costumes. I will continue to model my character body before I move to the hardest part of face...

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Little Tiger 3D Modelling

I've started with modelling the body of my character in Maya. I've practice to make a character body before this in Sean class. I started to put my character reference in a 3 plane panel from front, side and top. Then, I create a polygon to model my character body. I continue to create this hoodie using polygon and will combine with the...

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Character Model Sheet II

My character model sheet that I'm gonna use for my 3D character modelling. Now I'm ready to model it in Maya using this four angle from front,back,side and top angle. ...

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