Interview with Shelter Scotland

2/18/2016 10:00:00 pm

Advanced production class help me to relate this semester assignment with my final project. So, I've decided to talk and had an interview with the Officer from Shelter Scotland and investigate more about homeless. Shelter Scotland was based in Edinburgh so I've try to approached them through email. It's seem that they are out of the office for their new campaign and didn't manage to reply any confirmation.

After I've waited for several week, they come back with a good news that one of their Regional Campaign Officer would gladly had an interview with me at Shelter Dundee. So, I've met with Mr. Paul Bradley, a very kind and helpful person.

I've focus on one of their campaign about 'Banish the Bedroom Tax Monster'. They used a metaphor of monster to show how scary this tax to people. So I've decided to know how successful of using this monster to help people to understand the message. He said that by using the right metaphor, this campaign come out very successful. 

From this interview also, I've understand that, not only everyone who sleep every night outside their home were homeless but, people who live in unsuitable house also were homeless. So, Shelter Scotland help a lot of people to understand their housing problem and give a better solution on it.

So, I end that day with a lot of new information for my thesis and also my final animation project. I will explore more on how suitable and successful certain image and symbol towards the audiences. I also would like on helping the adult to educate the children about homeless using metaphor.

The good education make the children to understand the important of helping others.

The image of "Banish the Bedroom Tax Monster' was belong to Shelter Scotland website.

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