Nuke Composition for Going Live

5/05/2016 05:00:00 pm

We start on Monday to compose the files that already come out from the render farm. We try to achieve all the aspect that Matt Cameron had teach us on Friday. But for the moving image we need to change a little bit of the node and try again another node to match with the animation. We use at least 5 to 6 image sequences such as, diffuse, master beauty, indirect, ambient occlusion, specular, reflection and depth. We then arrange and merge them to another like a chain and add another node to highlight the character.

As we explore and try different node, we use the same node with another person in the composition team to synchronize the environment. The several node that we use such as, grade to highlight the light and tone, blur and grain to make the animation less cg, zdefocus to make a tilt shift effect so the character will be more realistic and also some other node.

Below, several shot that I already done on compositing but maybe just need to be check again by other member to see the quality and consistency of each shot. I enjoy doing the compositing and a little bit surprise to learn it fast.

Shot 02
The volume ray that I had in the node help to highlight the guess who board and make it look like this scene was in the afternoon. This shot has a camera movement from the troll face and pan to the He-man walking and talking to the audiences.

Shot 06
The grain node help to make this animation look more photo realistic rather than cg. The zdefocus also help to build the tilt shift effect to make this character look tiny in this big room.

Shot 07
This three character was in the center of lens focus and adding blur image background can help them look tiny.

Shot 18
The volume ray from outside the window give an idea of the sun direction and highlight the He-man character.

Shot 28
Adding a several grade node also can help to change the mood and tone of this shot.

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  1. Hi,
    You have written a very good article, enjoyed reading it, keep up the good work,
    Which render farm Do you use for rendering your scenes?


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