Reading Week 1

10/29/2015 12:42:00 am

Chinesse Shadow Puppet influence in Kung Fu Panda

It's been a while since I post new update of some work that I'm working at right now. Here is the sample of video that is related to what I'm planning to do for my final projects. I use two scene from Kung fu Panda, and Kung Fu Panda 2 as my reference for Chinesse puppet shadow. I try to adapt the influence from the original shadow puppet that will be transform into 2D animation shadow puppet.

The unique power of the shadow theater will be develop with the good narrator or music composition. Music always been use as a background but it merely acts as some sort of emotion that can cover all the story telling. Shadow puppet can be made to be more memorable through the representation of their personality and how they are identified through body gesture and movement.

Example of picture from that scene and it beautifully presented in this movie.

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