Reading Week 4

10/29/2015 02:07:00 am

Character Development

I sketch a little bit about my idea and what I have in my mind. A little bit of my storyline but I need to polish it a little bit to make it smoother.

First, I have a little Malay girl wearing a Malayan Tiger costume.

Next, is the Monkey King costume wearing by a funny little Chinesse boy.

Then, a nice little Indian girl with her snake costume.

Lastly, A fun and happy go lucky girl from Scotland wearing her deer costume.

Colour Test on the Character Design

I do some modification when I'm drawing it back in the computer. I put some colour to test and have a feel about this character. It still in the development stage so there will be a lot of changes to do.

I also have draw a little bit of storyboard for my story but not finish it yet. I will update it later for the final one.

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