From Labis to Dundee

9/26/2015 01:58:00 pm

Away From Home for The 1st Time is Hard!

Hi, it's a first time for me to write on this page. I've now recover from my cold and flu that almost make me sick for 2 weeks (plus homesick because I never go too far from my family before). I've come from Malaysia and this is My Family with My Uncle's Family coming to send me at the KLIA Airport on 3rd September 2015. Our last goodbye before I fly to Dundee, and the most teary events for my family and me too.

( I really miss them so much. T^T )

( My lovely Parents )

Fresher's Week

I tried to be better as soon as possible because I want to go to every event in fresher's week and lucky me, I've have made to go almost 80% of the events. It's so relief after coming to Dundee I manage to learn the new culture and met with new friends from all around of the world. Dundee from my first impression is a great place to stay at all. They have a very big heart people and kind because they help me a lot when I was in trouble or lost sometime. I also manage to find new friends and having fun together here.

(try to enjoy and appreciate the sunny day here.. ^_^)

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