The Book Of Life

2/10/2016 08:00:00 pm

The animation film, The Book of Life was produced by Guillermo Del Toro, Reel FX and 20th Century Fox. This wonderful concept art and illustrations art was directed by Paul Sullivan. He collaborate with writer/director Jorge R. Gutierrez for this animation. Paul Sullivan attended Rocky Mountain College of Art and Design, where he majored in Illustration with a minor in animation.

This film use a very good indicating about good versus evil and how people can be misdirect about something. The use of a lot of vibrant colour show how lively the event of the dead they celebrate every year. It give a good research on how some event can have a lot of hidden meaning. The study of the place and culture make this movie have a strong message and it come out so beautifully.

The concept art that had been use for this movie also direct us to the emotion of this story. It give us a lot of information about this movie and its environment. The use of wooden mannequin as a character make it look like a puppet theater in 2D and 3D environment. It help a lot on my case study and make me look on second perspective for my final project.

All this picture belong to Concept Art World Website.

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