Character Modelling

11/14/2015 11:35:00 pm

Class tutorial with Sean today make me realize that it easier if we understand the purpose of something rather than just follow all the step.

Upper Body

So, early in the morning we start with modelling the upper body of the character from 2D drawing. Here is the basic shape of upper body of my modelling and need to add more details on it.

We start with basic shape polygon and extrude the faces to match with the reference picture.

Below is how my all four panel look from top, front, side and perspective view. After, edit all the shape and satisfied with the upper body, we can smooth it and look if we need to add any detail.

And in the middle of class the first snow in November make all of us stop for a while.

Head Modelling

For the head we start with a basic plane and make it mirror so we can adjust only with one side only.

We need to understand the basic shape of face and add more topography to give natural volume to the face modelling.

We extrude the edges to make the shape of the head completely like the reference. It was new knowledge to learn today for me.

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