Beyond the Boundry with DC Thomson

10/10/2015 01:48:00 am

7 October 2015

We had a workshop with DC Thomson the whole Wednesday. They were talking about their plans to redesign their works and they want us to sign a NDA (Non Disclosure Agreement) because they are quite strict with their products. 

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We begin with talking about the comic that we like the most but frankly I'm not the one who always buy a comic. I either will read it online or just read on the magazine and newspaper. I have read a lot of manga comic online so I like the style of their characters and also the story line.

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Then, here we go we start to redesign one of their existing character in the comics. At first we had chose the 'Supercats" comics because of their character are interesting and quite energetic. After the brainstorming and discussion with the member of DC Thomson staff we then change to the 'Four Mary' comic.

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We brainstorm all the idea and draw a mind map based on the original idea and also the combination of our own idea. Then, we finally combine a little bit of Four Mary story with the Supercats story.

It was a very fun and impressive day I had at DC Thomson. I learn a lot on how to create a character based on the story line that we had. The brainstorm and discussion make me have a clear idea and everyone were very helpful and respect each other opinions. I hope to see this kind of workshop again in the future. ^_^

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