Analysis and Reflecting from the Interview with Shelter Scotland

4/21/2016 10:43:00 pm


The idea of the ‘Banish the Bedroom Tax Monster Campaign’ came after a long process. It begin with discussion and meeting other team members to talk about who is the target audience and what they want to achieve. They start with a board meeting and brainstorm about the problem and they keep in touch with the media to pressure the Scottish government about it. In this campaign in particular the use of the monster as a metaphor helps them to convey the message to the people and the result is very successful. People understand more about the bedroom tax and why they should be scared of it. The success of every campaign depends on what target Shelter Scotland wants to achieve but overall the campaigns that they have done have become a major success. People understand more about the problem and start to ask about solutions. They already had a talk given to high school students in Dundee about how they help a lot of people to tackle their problems.
It is important to change people perceptions about homeless people. People nowadays have a lot of advantages being able to use their gadgets and technology to do some research and understand this complex social problems. It is also very important to educate the homeless, for them to know that they have the opportunity to have a better life. People must know that the homeless come from the community and have been rejected. They should have a chance to change their own life and serve the community too. We need to educate children about helping the homeless because we need to instill good moral values in them and help them to grow a better future.
In the interview, the participant said about “We need to help people to understand the real problem of homeless. It just not about people who sleep roughly on the street every night, but people who live in poor condition of house also are homeless”. It was a great information that helped with understanding different meanings of homelessness. We always see the outside of the problem but never investigate it further. The bigger issue is to educate people about the important things in life. A proper home is very important because we need it to provide good living condition for our children. We can have a good job but if we lose our home it can make our life harder.
Reflecting towards my own project, we can pretend that we don’t see things that goes wrong but everything that kids see us do will be their guidelines to become adults. I think that helping others is important because we can do it. We have the power to make a positive impact to others and it is just the matter of the time, place and the heart being willing. The reason that bad things are going on every day is because there are not enough people doing good things. A good message can help homeless to get a better life. This interview has given me a good point to begin my research and animation project. I now start to investigate how an animation campaign can educate adults and help them convey metaphors to children. In the process to produce a good metaphor in my animation project, I hope that adults can get a better understanding on how important they are as a role model to their own children.

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