Render Test for Going Live Project I

4/13/2016 09:21:00 pm

Today, for our group project we started to arrange all the character and asset in the final environment. We are already done for animation and just need to tweak a little bit on certain movement and camera angle. So, I took shot 12 to work on today and render it out. But sadly I forgot to use the passes that our group member already given. I need to fix it tomorrow and put all the passes before our render manager can put this scene into the render farm.

Overall, this is all the image from my render setting and what I got without using all the passes. It quite impressive how our render manager can manage to make this toys look like a real one after it had been render. With all the lighting and perfect material can make all this toy came alive. I was happy to learn all the new thing from this Going Live project with everyone.

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