Development on 3-D Character

4/17/2016 09:08:00 pm

This weekend I focus on my individual animation project. For several week we focus on our group project and I only done my storyboard and character design. We are now in the stage of rendering and need to change a little bit on animation and texture. It's a little bit tight in the schedule but I believed we are capable to help each other to finish it.

So, I start my modelling on Sarah character using Maya software and also Mudbox to sculpt the several part of the body such as face, hand and hair. I use a simple plane to structure the face on half before I duplicate and combine it together. I want to get a better result on the face, so I send to Mudbox to sculpt and smooth a little bit on her face.

After I import back the face, I start to make upper part of the blouse and also move on into her skirt. I make it separately to measure the high of the skirt for Sarah.

Next, I make the outerwear for Sarah using the same shape of the blouse. I added the long sleeves and cut open the front jacket.

Here, what the blouse and jacket will look like when Sarah wear it together.

For, Sarah hair and hand, I sculpt it using Mudbox for the better result. Even though right now the hand and hair sculpt are not good, I will keep continue to develop the character before I move on into joint and rigging.

I put a screenshot of the model in the back, front, and side view and my character model sheet.

Sometime, I just need to put my willing to do my job until the end so I can focus to finish this modelling soon. So, here the second character that need to be finish too.

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