Going Live Lip Sync

4/04/2016 01:30:00 pm

We started to lip sync on our ongoing group project for Going Live. I got Shot 18 when He-Man shout to the panel 'Shut Up' for several times. Before this I have done a lot of lip sync in 2-D but this is my first time to do it in 3-D. It's a little bit different because of the key and I need to understand the function of each blend shape. Thanks to Nelysa to fix and synchronize my lips animation.

Now, I know that 3-D lip sync are a bit difficult. It depend on how our character will be look like in each shape of the mouth. I use in 2-D because the mouth shape is kind of easy to understand and follow. I need to learn more from others and improve my lips sync for better result.

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