Cloth making and texturing for Rabbit

3/13/2016 10:30:00 pm

This weekend I'm working out on making the girl rabbit cloth and texture both of it. I'm trying to upgrade my skills in using Maya software by doing some experiment clothes for this rabbit. So basically the girl rabbit is wearing a corset made by leather. I put some paisley texture into it.

Thanks to Stathis for making this bow tie so I just need to use hypershade for the colour.

I use a reference from another corset and try to make it really close with the real one. below is the sample of corset that I've been refer.

This work on going live make me realize my own strength and make me explore more on understanding the 3D software. I never think that I can try or improve my own skills by using this software. I start to choose and brainstorm again my own ability and why I want to do certain subjects. What drive me the most towards the direction for my project and story aspect. I try to feel connected to my work and enjoy with every possibility. I want to create something beautiful with full of meaning rather than creating something beautiful without any meaning.

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