Metaphor in Moving Image

3/16/2016 09:00:00 pm

One Human Family, Food for All animated video campaign by Caritas Internationalis.
The animated video campaign about hunger and sharing. The metaphor is the spoon and hunger that teaches us when we struggle to feed only ourselves, everyone will stay hungry. But when we focus on others need, we will discover there are ways to help everyone.

The Scarecrow, the companion film for Chipotle's new app-based game.

This animated video campaign show how we don't even care about our origin of the foods. It is a simple animation that can bring a lot of awareness to our children by telling the truth story using this fun animated game. Children can join the quest to bring the real food and by playing this game it's also help them to understand the message.

Animation is not just about entertainment only. It can be used to help people to understand about culture or social problem. My purpose is to make an awareness campaign that I think a lot of people are doing right now about homeless. I try to make an animation using metaphor that can help the adults to convey the correct message to their children.

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