The Art of Metaphor

3/05/2016 09:35:00 pm

She is a Peacock
The peacock is the most admired human characteristics, and is a symbol of integrity and beauty. Did you think when someone tell she is a peacock and we imagine she try tell to everyone there is a peacock. It is the art of metaphor that I tend to research for my animation project. I try to find a good metaphor to bring a good message for everyone.

What is a Metaphor?
Metaphor is a way of talking about one thing by describing it in terms of another perspective. In our culture we always use a metaphor to politely tell a certain thing to other people. As an example, "Malam sedang menunggu Matahari" or in English "Night is waiting for a Sun". The night is an expression of sadness while the sun is the symbol of happiness, wealthy or new life. 

An Elephant in the Room
You and everyone else know something that no one is mentioning. It sometime happen when we are not bother to talk about it to the exact person about what is going on. The use of wide range of animal as a metaphor is not a new way to tell a message. We tend to use a lot of symbolize in everything to help the brain to digest the exact meaning.

We always use metaphor in term of send a message in a good way and try not to make the other people to be hurt or otherwise. It what we call indirect message in term of metaphor. This two animal,night and sun had been use to tell the true but in the way of indirect message. Sometimes, we might like using metaphors because it help on what you say into the listener’s senses, not just their minds also into their visual. We let the listener or viewer to create their own image as they imagine in their own mind. A good metaphor lets you think and feel in a different way and it lets you say things that aren’t factually true still have a certain meaning.

So, I will create a good metaphor to represent the homeless and help them by giving a message to the adult and make them convey the right message to the children. It help them to use their imagination and make their own interpretation by giving them the right metaphor in the animated  film.

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