Animated Movie Review I

3/28/2016 08:00:00 pm

The Boy and The Beast / Bakemono No Ko

Directed by Mamoru Hosoda this animation film was about an orphaned kids named Ren/Kyuuta and The Bear as his Master of Kendo in the Beast Kingdom. 

Mamoru Hosoda is a Japanese film director and animator. He was formerly employed at Toei Animation, and he went to work at Madhouse from 2005 to 2011. Mamoru Hosoda then left Madhouse in 2011 to establish his own animation studio, Studio Chizu.

This movie is a good theme about acceptenced and it also showed a beautiful relationship that is hardly to accept at first between two independent characters. The colour that they choose to show the human world was very different with the Beast Kingdom. it make me reflect that we can have a two different theme in one animation based on how the character feeling.

I can use as a reference of the light,purple and bright sun light to show the place that have been left for a long time and also it can sometime as a scene of a flashback memory.

Every background in this movie is colourful, beautiful and full of life and have it's own story. All the action scene are very lively with water and fire with the few scene with CGI were fitting.

The fire and water scene both show a great effect towards this animation. Even though the bad guy had been put aside and had been saved for the last, the scene of the fight and event that took place in the center of Tokyo still give a beautiful impact.

I highlight this two scene from the time that they had been training together. The colour that had been used show how the character had build their relationship through time and season. The effect on sunlight that coming through from the tree give a good effect on how I understand the hard and strong relationship they had built and manage to combine their different.

Here, I put the trailer of the movie Bakemono No Ko

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